Italy is missing, but Europe has moved close to the US for the first time: Germany and the UK are doing very well and, together, claim half of the rounds worth over 50 million
This article was published in the eBook Italia 2015 CheFuturo! available free of charge at CheFuturo!
In the language of venture capital, a round indicates one of a series of investments made in a temporal sequence in a startup that valorizes the startup itself and with increasing absolute amounts.
Therefore, the first, or seed, round begins with a small sum (tens or hundreds of thousands of euros) for the creation of a startup and can ultimately reach millions of euros in the final investment rounds (indicated as b, c, etc.).
While it is relatively easy in any part of the world for startups to obtain seed rounds, only in very few areas (until recently only in the US) was it possible for startups to obtain further rounds with multimillion investments.