What if I could click on them, when I see something that I like? What if I could get to a web page and interact with that brand? This is the future of advertising

What if I could click on them, when I see something that I like? What if I could get to a web page and interact with that brand? This is the future of advertising
When we launched TOK.tv a year ago, my only focus was on understanding what users would do with our app. A year later, I believe we know a ton about that – although there is a lot more to discover – and we also have traction. (altro…)
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StartupItalia! è una testata registrata presso il tribunale di Roma n. 167/2012
StartupItalia! SRL, Cagliari, Via Sassari 3, 09123, PIVA 13733231008, REA – CA – 352408, Capitale Sociale: € 28.924,60, PEC startupitalia (at) legalmail.it