Organizzato dal Dipartimento di Stato Americano, la call è aperta fino al 18 febbraio. Qui come partecipare
Il Dipartimento di Stato Americano promuove il Global Entrepreneurship Summit. Giunto alla sua settima edizione il GES 2016 si terrà in Silicon Valley dal 22 al 24 giugno 2016. Entro il 18 febbraio è possibile inviare le application sul sito.
L’opportunità è rivolta a tutte le startup, in particolare a quelle più consolidate. Le application per gli investitori e i partner delle startup saranno attive nei prossimi giorni.
Ecco il bando
GES 2016 will showcase the U.S. Government’s commitment to the promotion of entrepreneurship, shine a spotlight on entrepreneurs from around the globe, expand access to funders and mentors, facilitate private sector engagement with other regions of the world, and support economic growth and development. The agenda will include a diverse array of panels, plenaries, workshops, conversations, and myriad opportunities for mentoring and networking.
The online application for entrepreneur delegates will close on Thursday, February 18. Applications for investors and others who support entrepreneurial ecosystems around the world will open later this month. Both applications and more information can be found at
We encourage you apply for this very competitive and prestigious event! Applicants who are chosen will be notified no later than May 2. Three types of delegates will participate in the GES: Entrepreneurs (550 slots); a select group of entrepreneurs chosen to participate in an additional Youth and Women event on June 22 (150 slots); and Investors (300 slots).
The Global Entrepreneurship Summit will give you the opportunity to both share your well-developed business plans and strategies and to benefit from the professional mentoring available in Silicon Valley. This will be a truly spectacular event and we strongly encourage you to apply. Please feel free to pass this information along to others who may also be interested in applying.