Virtual B è la fintech guidata da Serena Torielli. In parole povere, Virtual B è una società di tecnologia finanziaria che ha sviluppato e possiede, il primo robot-advisor lanciato in Europa. Virtual B Spa fornisce soluzioni end-to-end basate sui dati per la gestione patrimoniale, dall’impegno e all’acquisizione dei clienti ai portafogli di investimento.

Matteo Rizzi, fondatore di FinTechStage, ha posto a Serena qualche domanda su WhatsApp, ecco le risposte non censurate e rigorosamente in inglese. Vi ricordiamo infatti che il FinTechStage Festival, in programma da 13 al 17 maggio a Milano sarà interamente in inglese proprio perchè si tratta di un evento pensato per essere internazionale. Se non vi siete ancora iscritti e volete dare un’occhiata al programma potete farlo da qui.
Per incontrare Serena Torielli vi aspettiamo il 13 maggio alla Grand Opening al Sole 24 Ore. Qui per registrarsi.
Leggi anche: Serena Torielli (AdviseOnly): “Ripartiamo dall’educazione finanziaria”
Wealth and pension two of the most under innovated fields: agree or not?
Do strongly agree. Wealth management and pension have proven to be the areas in retail finance more resilient to innovation. That has created a huge disconnect between those areas and their customers. Which is particularly painful for pensions whose target customers should be the young generations and not the over 50. This fracture and the change in how the young generation live and work creates an issue of financial exclusion that risk to clash on our society.
The client at the center: seems to be (again) the main thing missing when it comes to the wealth value proposition?
The wealth management industry is offer driven and focuses on financial products. Unfortunately, financial products are a boring mix of math and law that are impossible to connect to people emotions. Moving the focus on customer need and people’s lives will change the paradigm and create new and more engaging storytelling.
Are incumbents missing this train or they find in collaboration their way to come out with new solutions?
The picture is kind of mixed. The biggest incumbents are well aware of the divide they suffer from the big techs in meeting their customer expectations and are taking actions themselves or by working with fintechs. Most of the incumbents though are still wallowing in a dangerous complacency that might prove quite costly in the future.