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Millionaire exits, authorisations to carry out new activities, pitches of international importance. In the last two months between the end of summer and after the holidays, the key players of Fintech were six Italian startups, true audacious leaders of an industry that is growing exponentially. Namely Fatture in Cloud, Satispay,, Mode Finance, Advise Only and Sardex. So let us summarise their stories and the latest good news involving them.



Millionaire valuation for Fatture in Cloud

Daniele Ratti, a 23 year old young man from Bergamo believes so much in the potential of his billing in cloud company (and he has every right to do so) that he manages to convince the industry leader to buy 51% of it and value it at over one million euro. This latest part of the story of Fatture in Cloud, the startup which has given just over half of itself to Team System (startup that previously acquired 85% of H-Umus for 4 million euro and bought the software division of Il Sole 24 Ore), but which Daniele will continue to be at the helm.

Satispay picks up 3 million euro

In the same week, here’s another multi-million investment: Satispay, Italian startup for digital payments, collects three million euro from old and new investors, including the creators of Google Wallet, Jonathan Weiner and Ray Iglesias. Thanks to these injections, the capital of the company exceeds 8.5 million euro. What are they going to do with all this money? New recruitment and new services. One of the objectives of the three founding partners is indeed to reach 60 employees by 2016, as well as to enable new forms of payment. launches P2P for SMEs

From credit adviser to number one in Italy for peer to peer lending for businesses. The growth of led to it obtaining in no time at all the green light from the Bank of Italy to operate in the area of loans between individuals, specifically focusing on the relationship between small investors and entrepreneurs. The new venture begins this Monday 21st September, the day when the possibility for companies to get credit every three days begins, but also for savers to lend their money to the actual economy, making a profit.

Advise Only at the Fintech Forum of London

The Fintech Forum of London held on the 25th September is one of the most important events of the year (our agenda marks it as one of the events of the week) and an Italian enterprise will also present itself. Namely Advise Only, the portal is defined as a social network for investors that have already had a troubled and notable journey. The entrepreneurial venture began in 2011 under the umbrella of the Virtual B startup, with an investment that more than a year ago had already exceeded 3 million euro, using its own search engine for risk management and portfolio building.


modeFinance becomes a rating agency

The Trieste-based company that has dealt with online financial advice since last July has been authorised by Esma (the authority for the supervision of the European financial market) to carry out the activity of credit rating agency. This means that modeFinance has become a true rating agency, so it will be able to grade non-financial corporations; the assessments will be issued through a subscription model paid by those who are interested in learning about the evaluations and not by whom is evaluated. The go-ahead came after intensive checking and transparency activities carried out by the European Authority through the recognition of different requirements on governance, conflict of interest and methodological aspects. Here the founder, Mattia Ciprian, explains why for them receiving this authorisation was like winning a marathon.

Sardex seduces the Financial Times

The Sardinian flagship ends up on the home page of the Financial Times and makes a certain impression, especially when it comes to Sardex as the possibility of giving “a real help during the financial crisis.” And then suddenly the founders themselves play centre stage in a long article, which tells the story, the idea, and the development of the virtual currency created by them. It talks about the “Sardex factor“, and how its chain represents in a certain sense the very fabric of the Sardinian community.