According to estimates by analysts 700 billion dollars will be invested in mobile Internet by 2017. And such a sum obviously sparks immediate interest. Also because, of the 94 billion invested over the past 12 months the average return has been about 15.6 times higher. Thus, it becomes crucial for investors, startuppers, and businesses of the sector to understand what is driving these numbers.

This forecast of a 700 billion dollar investment in mobile Internet at a global level has been made by Digi-Capital, which also emphasized that the leading sector will be mobile commerce, that is, acquisitions made on smartphones and tablets, with516 billion dollars (followed by 74 billion in applications for final users and 11 billion for the so-called wearables).
What we are currently witnessing has been considered the Asian moment. It is not surprising that the region with the greatest growth will be Asia, which will turn over 230 billion dollars in m-commerce alone. In order to understand this potential, just take the example of Alibaba, which went from just 10% in mobile sales one year ago to a current 42.9%. Thus, America trails behind with 114 billion, and Europe with 113 billion.
Together with the average sector values, the 32 companies active in mobile Internet were also analyzed: they have increased their worth by 11.4 billion dollars (on average) in the third quarter of 2014 alone. The first two, Twitter and WhatsApp, are well known. The others, like Colopl and Momo, a bit less. But with these numbers they will not take long to climb the ranks by intersecting acquisition, stock market, and financing round data.
The most surprising rise has been by the Korean company Daumkakao, which has climbed 15 positions and does not hide its desire to reach the podium of mobile company giants. In particular, mobile commerce will generate the most worth, while social media companies will generate the most exit opportunities.
In general, the variety of these companies is one of the main elements that determines the strength of the sector as a whole. A strength that, as studies show, is destined to grow: it is estimated that already by next year the entire list will be worth 200 billion dollars.