The end justifies the means? This (among other things) was discussed yesterday when Newsweek magazine issued the results of an investigation by Leah McGrath Goodman into the identity of the founder of Bitcoin. Goodman deduced that a 64-year-old Japanese tech worker living in California fit the bill as, the until now unknown creator of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Today, he goes by the name of Dorian S. Nakamoto and his relatives in many indirect ways have hinted at his real identity as the mind behind the currency that has been faced with many problems in recent weeks. Goodman reconstructed the investigation with an abundance of details and photographs, revealing the private and daily life of Nakamoto to the entire world: shots of his home, his car and, obviously, of his face, as well as precise information about his current situation. This has all been done due to the fact that so many are truly interested in discovering the identity of the Bitcoin founder. And many believe that Nakamoto, whether an individual or a community, is in possession of a notable sum of bitcoins. In response to those, however, who questioned the revelation of such information, the journalist responded that everything she revealed was already part of the public domain.
@EntropyExtropy Good question. Pictures and info people are asking about (including residence and car) already public. His name too.#Bitcoin
— Leah McGrath Goodman (@truth_eater) 6 Marzo 2014
On the forum BitcoinTalk, a reference point for the community, users have joined against the author of the article writing that there is no real proof that this Nakamoto in California truly invented Bitcoin. Even Gavin Andresen, the developer who was nominated many times in the article has also distanced himself from Goodman’s article, contrary to the decision of invading the privacy of the 64-year-old man.
I'm disappointed Newsweek decided to dox the Nakamoto family, and regret talking to Leah.
— Gavin Andresen (@gavinandresen) 6 Marzo 2014
Nakamoto, in the meantime, has decided to grab the bull by the horns. Though with Goodman he may not have been loquacious, he was, on the other hand, very clear in an interview with theAssociated Press : “It sounded like I was involved before with bitcoin and looked like I’m not involved now. That’s not what I meant. I want to clarify that”. He also repeated many times, “I got nothing to do with it”. He also claimed to have never met Andresen as well as several times referring to Bitcoin as Bitcom. He finally asked his AP interviewer, “How long is this media hoopla going to last?” Considering all of the interest around the identity of the creator of Bitcoin it will probably last for a while. Whoever he is.